Nothing Is Impossible With Belief

Julian Hayes II
4 min readDec 3, 2014

“We can do only what we think we can do. We can be only what we think we can be. We can have only what we think we can have. What we do, what we are, what we have, all depend upon what we think.”- Robert Collier

There’s this nagging little voice in our heads that tells us…

“You’re not good enough”, “You’re going to fail(again)”, “You can’t do it”, “You need to stop before you feel any worse”

This (nagging) voice appears whenever you embark upon a new journey. From losing weight, relationships, starting a business, or going after any dream — the voice shows no mercy.

This (nagging) little voice is known as self-doubt. The thing that kills our dreams. The thing that makes it (damn near)impossible to believe in ourselves.

Self-doubt can, and will, destroy you if you let it.

If anyone knows this…it’s me.

Throughout most of my life, self-doubt has been my arch nemesis. Every corner I turn —it’s waiting for me with open arms.

Lack of confidence with women. Fear and insecurity. Constantly searching for happiness. Seeking approval from others to determine my self-worth. I was afraid of sharing my words with the public — what would they think? The thought of pursuing my dreams and living an unconventional life —paralyzed me into doing nothing but wishing.

With self-doubt controlling my life, it was impossible to live life as I desired.

What changed all of a sudden?

Belief. Simple. But powerful.

I started to believe. I started to take action and stop procrastinating with claims such as “I need to plan more” or “I’m not ready”. Even when things weren’t 100% clear—I still believed. Here’s a newsflash — that vision or dream you have, will never be 100% clear or certain to work.

And that’s totally fine.

Reframe your mind

Our beliefs are everything. If you believe something to be true, you tend to search for things that support these truths and ignore everything else.

Realize that self-doubt and fear never go away. How you handle them is what’s important. This includes letting go of trying to be perfect(no such thing exist — this is procrastination in disguise).

Instead of telling yourself, “I’ll never lose those 15lbs”. Realize those 15lbs won’t disappear in one day. Focusing on losing 15 lbs everyday will make you anxious and disappointed because that goal hasn’t been met yet.

You’ll never see any progress being made because you’re fixated on the end goal instead of the process. Instead, focus on your daily habits that are needed to be taken in order to lose those 15lbs.

Whatever it is, the most important action for you to take is to start immediately and be intentional with your choices. Only give your energy to habits and actions that will serve value to your life and specific goals.
Large goals and milestones are made up by a collection of small and focused daily actions.

The first step in making a change is to believe you can have what you want.

Are you ready to take control?

If you’re tired of feeling like a helpless victim at life.(then stop, you’re stronger than you think)

If you’re tired of telling yourself what you can’t have.(then stop, you can get whatever you go after)

If you’re tired of using lack of willpower and inspiration as an excuse for not going after what you want(then stop, make a plan and take small steps everyday to reach it)

If you’re tired of telling yourself that you can’t lose weight (then stop, it’s not your genetics that’s the problem, it’s your lack of focus, lack of direction, and lack of habits)


It’s time for you to believe in yourself. Show up even when you don’t feel like it. Let go of fearful thoughts. You’ll gain momentum & inspiration as you do. Embrace any obstacles that head your way(there’s opportunity within it). Your past setbacks aren’t your present nor your future.

You’re in control. You have the ability to change anything you want. You have the power to create a better life for yourself.

Your mind, career, body,and health is in your hands.

But, everything starts with believing.

Change what you choose to believe in and change expectations of yourself.

Hey, I’m Julian—thanks for reading the words above. I’m a writer and fitness & lifestyle architect whose main hub is over at 206fitness. I also share essays & quick thoughts over here at Join me on one of those platforms or just say what’s up on twitter: @julianhayes206



Julian Hayes II

Executive Health Consultant. I write about how to live a longer, richer, & healthier life. Published at Inc, Entrepreneur + others.